The Cessna Caravan is the work horse of Africa. Its versatility makes it the preferred aircraft where the runway lengths and surfaces can vary quite dramatically. It is a single turbo prop aircraft with cruise speeds up to 175kts. Our C208 simulator is the only simulator built in Africa from an actual Caravan Cockpit.

The duration of our Caravan course is 11 working days and consists of

  • 2 Days Technical Ground School
  • 1 Day Performance & Planning
  • CPT (Cockpit Procedure Training)
  • 8 hours on our fixed base simulator including line orientated flight training
  • 1.5 hours on the aircraft

Pre-Entry Requirements

  • Valid SACAA CPL/ATPL License or Foreign CAA equivalent
  • Instrument Rating
  • Class 1 Medical

Course Availability & Duration

The Simuflight C208 course is usually held on a once a month basis. Pre-booking is mandatory. We need a minimum of TWO attendees to start a full Cessna 208 conversion course.

Our Cessna 208 course is based on 11 working days of training until completion. The course duration may vary slighty due to weather, additional training requirements and equipment availability.

Base Training

The base training phase (Type Rating Skills Test) is completed on the actual aircraft.

Pilot Kit

When starting your Cessna 208 course you will be issued with a standard pilot kit that will include all the training material needed to complete the training.


Accommodation can be arranged for our students who have come a long way to attend any courses. Please contact us if you should need help finding accommodation in the Centurion area.

Daily Lunch Meal

A light daily meal is included for our students who are on the full conversion courses. For a wider selection of choice, there is a nearby shopping mall with a larger food selection where students can go to purchase food.

VAT for foreign students

Unfortunately South African Tax Law forbids zero tax billing for foreign students.

Get a Quote?

Please complete the form below or call us on +27 11 314 0152